[pmwiki-devel] pagelist and MarkupToHTML function

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Mon Sep 24 21:44:41 CDT 2007

I am trying to get pagelist directives working with the 
PublishPDF library and would like some advice. The problem 
is the call to MarkupToHTML in the FPLTemplate function of 
scripts/pagelist.php (running pmwiki version 2.1.27). 

To get things to work, I had to make the following change 
to function FPLTemplate:
  global $FPLMarkupFunction;
  SDV($FPLMarkupFunction, 'MarkupToHTML');
  return ... $FPLMarkupFunction($pagename, $out, ...

When producing a pdf I define a replacement $FPLMarkupFunction 
which calls MarkupToHTML then patches the result.

Using the PmWiki.FAQ page as a test, this fixes the problem. 
I have to remind pmwiki that it is producing wikibook xml and 
not html; otherwise the result returned from the FPLTemplate 
function gets all the <...> tags stripped, leaving raw text. 
To prevent this, after FPLTemplate calls MarkupToHTML, the 
patch restores a namespace qualifier to the tags, to tell the 
"outer" pmwiki MarkupToHTML call that the result contains 
wikibook xml tags. The namespace qualifier allows us to
distinguish between wikibook xml and any residual html tags
we may have overlooked.

Any residual html tags get stripped before we pass the 
content to the pdf processor, as a pmwiki posteval step.
So an alternative solution would be to have a way to tell
the "inner" MarkupToHTML call not to do this step, but I
can't see any obvious way to do this.

1. Is the above patch the best solution and if so, could it 
   be added to the core pmwiki please?

2. Is there perhaps a better solution I haven't thought of?

3. Are there any bad side effects of which I may be unaware?

4. To restore pmwiki's "markup agnostic" status, should the
   <div> tags wrapped around the FPLTemplate result also be
   replaced by a customisable variable?

5. Is this problem present in the pmwiki 2.2 series?

Any advice would be welcome.
John Rankin

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