[pmwiki-devel] Page specific markups.

Dominique Faure dominique.faure at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 23:46:59 CDT 2007

On 9/4/07, Vaibhav Vaish <vaibhav.vaish at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Thanks. I will try out this approach (like EditMore) over the weekend.
>   My only worry is wrt order. Since I am still using edit-title etc.
> recipes which modify edit form, I have to be careful to not add
> (:markdown:) (:markdownend:) tags after (:title:) etc. tags are added.
> Else they will go down to markdown engine, not as expected.
>   It would have been more convenient to have one "capture all"
> reg-exp, and add it as a Markup after the not-to-be-disturbed tags
> have been processed. Of course the crux of the problem is that I want
> to do it selectively on certain pages, and that too not via a
> configuration file. I really wonder if that be possible!
> regards,
> Vaibhav

It should always be possible to strip all /\(:markdown(end)?:\) from
your page content before enclosing it into a
(:markdown:)...(:markdownend:) section.


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