[pmwiki-devel] Page specific markups.

Dominique Faure dominique.faure at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 05:59:16 CDT 2007

On 9/4/07, Vaibhav Vaish <vaibhav.vaish at gmail.com> wrote:
>   I want to add page specific markups to pmwiki.
>   To be more precise, I want to enable standard markups for Site.*
> pages, but for the page specific content, want to be able to have
> different markup like markdown, or just plain html (my users are a
> rather closed group, but some extremely ungeeky, other rather geeky).
>    I do not want, if it is not possible, to disable Markups
> explicitly, but just as the markdown recipe does, process the whole
> file by myself. On the page edit form I hope to set an option for the
> same, which I can do just as in edittitle recipe.
>   However I do not know where should I trigger the execution of the
> code so that only the relevant part of the page is channeled not the
> headers, footers etc.
>   Is it possible to do so?
> regards,
> Vaiby


should provide you some hints...


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