[pmwiki-devel] email verification regex question

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Tue Oct 16 17:41:20 CDT 2007

On Wednesday, 17 October 2007 6:55 AM, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk> wrote:
>I like to ask the regex experts if I got a regex right, to be
>used for email verification.
>The email form field gets checked with preg_match against this
>This still will not catch any local part provided as a quoted string,
>which is apparently allowed for email addresses, but not much used.
>It shall allow alphanumeric and a number of special characters
>     _+*!%&`^~$=/|{}-
>in the local part, and prohibit dots at the beginning or the end of
>the local part, and repeated dots in the middle.
>it will also not catch any entries like:
>  Some Name <abcd.efgh at example.com> bla bla
>I am not sure if this important or should be allowed as field entry.
>Or can this be achieved simply by omitting the  ^ $ beginning and end
>At least it should catch any straight addresses without spaces.

The following links may help:

> Hans

John Rankin

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    )  /    
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