[pmwiki-devel] MatchPageNames
design5 at softflow.co.uk
Tue May 22 16:04:08 CDT 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007, 9:47:03 PM, Patrick wrote:
> Any chance you could give an example of code that is
> showing the wrong value?
In fox.php a permission pattern check is done:
$namecheck = (boolean)MatchPageNames($targetname,$pnames);
$pnames is a string with page name patterns, separated by commas,
like "-PmWiki.*,-Site.*,Forum.*"
$targetname is the full pagename of the target page for posting.
For instance this:
echo (boolean)MatchPageNames('Forum.Test1','-PmWiki.*,-Site.*');
will echo 1.
But the target page is not part of the pattern.
I can avoid the problem with this code:
$match = MatchPageNames($targetname,$pnames);
if($targetname==$match[0]) $namecheck=1;
but it introduces an extra comparison.
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