[pmwiki-devel] Is 'RightBar' the right name?
pmwiki at solidgone.com
Tue May 22 12:21:39 CDT 2007
I agree you don't want to restrict users from putting whatever content they want. But initially you'll populate it with something to demo the site. That's the name; users can use it for whatever they want. Alternatively you'll end up with a generic name like Bar1, Bar2, etc.
Perhaps there's more than you described in your mail, but you mentioned that you were providing the ability to swap left and right bars. That's neat, but if users can populate each bar, is there a need to allow switching?
~ ~ Dave
On Tue, 22 May 2007 09:36:12 -0400, Stirling Westrup <sti at pooq.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jon Haupt wrote:
>> On 5/22/07, DaveG <pmwiki at solidgone.com> wrote:
>>> Use contextual naming. That is, name the sidebars based on the type of
>>> content they will contain (TOC, MainMenu, SubMenu, etc).
>>> ~ ~ Dave
>> I agree with Dave. I've been trying to move in the direction of more
>> semantic naming schemes like PrimaryNavigation and the like. I think
> that
>> makes the most sense.
> Maybe I just don't get it, but as a creator of the skin, I'm not about to
> dictate what semantic uses to put the sidebars to. The user will be free
> to
> put whatever content they want there. The same goes for the headers and
> footers.
> As far as I can see, I should be using layout names, and leave any
> semantic
> naming to the users.
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