[pmwiki-devel] Fwd: Cluster & skin integration

The Editor editor at fast.st
Sun Mar 18 12:25:49 CDT 2007

On 3/18/07, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk> wrote:
> Sunday, March 18, 2007, 4:01:45 PM, The wrote:
> I don't see the term "subgroup" is used for Cluster at all, and on the
> Hg page you use it only when describing link prefixes.

Ah, your right.  We originally referred to them as subgroup page
variables.  Now they are just page variables.  We do both use a
function called SplitName however.  How about SplitNamePV( )?

Are we on to a solution yet?

> You are getting it back to front:
> You are getting it back to front:
> Main is the ancestor or predecessor or preceding part of Main-Test.

Details, details.  :)


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