[pmwiki-devel] Cluster & skin integration

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Sun Mar 18 11:56:54 CDT 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007, 4:01:45 PM, The wrote:

> I'd go for SubgroupPagenames or even SGPN.  What do you think of
> either of these options?

> Using Anc kind of skirts the issue as Main-Test is no more an ancester
> of Main than it is in its hierarchy.  But subgroups are a terminology
> both Cluster and Hg use in terms of its Subgroup page variables. So it
> makes sense to share a function around shared terminology.

I don't see the term "subgroup" is used for Cluster at all, and on the
Hg page you use it only when describing link prefixes.

You are getting it back to front:
Main is the ancestor or predecessor or preceding part of Main-Test.
And the function checks for existing pages going from right to left
through the group name, checking each ancestor or pregroup in term if
it has a pagename of a skin dependant subpage (SideBar etc) to offer.
It checks a line of predecessors.


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