[pmwiki-devel] How to make a TODO List?

The Editor editor at fast.st
Tue Jan 30 06:04:29 CST 2007

On 1/30/07, Kathryn Andersen <kat_lists at katspace.homelinux.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 05:56:00AM -0500, The Editor wrote:
> > > > I'm interested to see if I can use PmWiki for a sort of daily TODO list,
> > > > and neither of the two ToDo recipes do what I want.
> > ZAPtasks (at www.fast.st/zaptasks) sets up projects with optional...
> Far too complicated for what I want.
> > that this approach fails). But how else do you get tasks that are
> > dynamic and sortable?  Anything inserted into a page is probably not
> > going to be that flexible...
> Yeah, but I'd happily live without dynamic sorting if it gives me
> something simple.

My misunderstanding, I thought you wanted them sortable...

> The problem with something like AddDeleteLine is that it *deletes*
> lines, where I don't want them deleted, I want them marked (say, with a
> strikeout) to show that they're done.

FOX does the same thing as ADL, afaik.  It's conceivable you could do
something like this with zap's find and replace feature, but I think
there's probably a simpler way somehow....

Now that I see what you're after, I really think things will probably
be much easier if you keep it data driven.  Between PmWiki's text vars
and pagelists, you can do a lot!  If you're willing to dedicate one
group for all your tasks, you could do it pretty easy with zap. One
form creates the task and stores them in a task page coded by the date
and perhaps a timestamp.  In the page you pull in a pagelist of the
various tasks for that day.  In the pagelist template you put a
checkbox before the task allowing you to select the name. Then embed
the pagelist in a simple zap form that marks those tasks complete or
incomplete. (And use a conditional in the template to display the two
differently).  Other things you could add in, is you could assign a
task to any date from some page and have it appear there
automatically.  You could also set it to reassign dates, or edit a
task by simply clicking a link to the task and putting a zapform in
the groupheader for the tasks group. Tasks could all be searchable, by
date or whatever...

This would be kind of fun.  If you're willing to consider zap I might
pull together a snippet for you.  Shouldn't take more than an hour,
and it looks like something that would be very useful.


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