[pmwiki-devel] UpdatePage problem
The Editor
editor at fast.st
Fri Jan 5 09:06:12 CST 2007
I'm trying to update the zapnews module to work with ZAP 2007 and I'm
getting a strange problem. The UpdatePage command is giving me the
php white screen of death. When I comment out these two lines, the
page loads fine.
I had this working fine before, and only had to update a few unrelated
lines (plus add a bit of new functionality--prescheduling
newsletters!), but didn't change these lines. But for the life of me
I can't figure out what is wrong.
// UpdatePage("$g.$pp", $oldqueue, $newqueue);
// UpdatePage("$g.LOG-$id", $oldlog, $newlog);
Below is the full code if anyone cares to wade through the problem.
The lines are near the bottom, commented out. Probably something
obvious I botched in trying to fix the module... but it fails now
using the old module as well. Could it be a problem in a PmWiki beta
upgrade? TIA!
Markup('zapnews', '>{$var}', '/\(:zapnews(.*?):\)/ei', "ZAPsendnews('$1')");
function ZAPsendnews($x) {
global $WorkDir, $WikiDir, $ZAPlistgroup;
if(is_dir("lock")) return;
$g = "Temp-$ZAPlistgroup";
$t = time();
$lp = ListPages("/^$g\\.\\d/");
if (count($lp) == 0) {
return "$g";
foreach($lp as $p) {
$pn = substr($p, strpos($p, ".") + 1);
if($pn < $t) {
$oldqueue = ReadPage($p);
$newqueue = $oldqueue;
$n = explode("^", $oldqueue[text]);
$list = substr($n[0], 3, -5);
$to = explode("\n", $list);
$batch = $n[1];
$throttle = $n[2];
$id = $n[3];
$from = $n[4];
$subject = $n[5];
$body = substr(str_replace("%0a", "\n", $n[6]), 2);
$count = 0;
$oldlog = ReadPage("$g.LOG-$id");
$newlog = $oldlog;
if ($newlog['text'] == "") $newlog['text'] = "Subject:
$subject\n\nSent: " . strftime("%c", $id) . "\n\n";
while($count < $batch) {
if (! isset($to[$count])) break;
$mergedbody = str_replace("{email}", "$to[$count]", $body);
if ($ZAPconfig['mail'] == true) mail($to[$count], $subject,
$mergedbody, "From: $from");
$newlog[text] .= "SENT " . substr($to[$count], 0,
strpos($to[$count], "@")) . "@***** at " . strftime("%c", time()) . "
$count = $count + 1;
if (count($to) > $batch) {
$to = array_slice($to, $batch);
$n[0] = "[@\n" . implode("\n", $to) . "\n@]\n\n";
$newqueue[text] = implode("^", $n);
$pp = bcadd($pn, $throttle);
// UpdatePage("$g.$pp", $oldqueue, $newqueue);
else $newlog['text'] .= "\n\nSending Complete!";
// UpdatePage("$g.LOG-$id", $oldlog, $newlog);
return $m;
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