[pmwiki-devel] New adddeleteline2 redirect-args feature (not the same as previous email)

Martin Fick mogulguy at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 01:22:38 CST 2007


Along with the patch in the previous email, I have
gone one step further and added another small feature:
the ability to pass arguments to the page which
receives the redirect.  This probably seems a little
strange (that's why I didn't include it in the
previous email,) but it makes the previous patch even
more useful.  This patch can be used to redirect to a
'confirmation page' which can show you the details of
what you just pasted.  You can see an example of this


But, what makes this particularly nice is the ability
to make a generic page that can follow any trail and
add any text to each page on the trail.  Both the
trail and the text can be selected by a form!  You can
see this demonstrated here:


Again, the patch is inline.  This patch is to be
applied after the redirect patch from the previous



*** adddeleteline2.redirect.php Sun Dec 31 19:59:55
--- adddeleteline2.redirect-args.php    Sun Dec 31
23:53:48 2006
*** 1,6 ****

! $AdlVersion = '2.0.2+redirect, 12.31.2006';

     Adds markup to add lines using a form and delete
lines from a wiki page.
--- 1,6 ----

! $AdlVersion = '2.0.2+redirect-args, 12.31.2006';

     Adds markup to add lines using a form and delete
lines from a wiki page.
*** 34,47 ****

     New Features in this version:

!    This version adds a redirect feature which allows
a page to return to
!    the original form page immedeately after adding
text to a page.  To use
!    this feature, simply include a (potentially
hidden) parameter in your
!    form named: 'redirect_to' and set its value to
the page you want to
!    return to after adding text (probably
!    After being redirected, the page variable
{$?redirect_from} will be set
!    to the page to which you have just added text to.

--- 34,47 ----

     New Features in this version:

!    In addition to all the features of the redirect
patch, this
!    version adds support for redirect arguments. 
This is an array
!    of arguments, redirect_arg[], which will be added
to the query
!    string when redirecting after adding lines to a
page.  Simply
!    define these as parameters in your form somewhere
and they will
!    be available as page variables,
{$?redirect_arg[key]}, to
!    whatever page you define as the redirect page
with the
!    'redirect_to' parameter.

*** 78,83 ****
--- 78,85 ----

+        "''.\$_GET['redirect_arg'][PSS('$1')]");

  .adldeletebutton {
*** 183,188 ****
--- 185,193 ----
      $url = FmtPageName('$PageUrl', $to);
      $args = "?redirect_from=". $_REQUEST['n'];
+     $rargs= $_REQUEST['redirect_arg'];
+     foreach((array)$rargs as $rarg => $v)
+         $args .= "&redirect_arg[$rarg]=$v";
      header("Location: $url$args");
      echo "<html><head>
           <meta http-equiv='Refresh'
Content='$RedirectDelay; URL=$url$args' />
*** 205,210 ****
--- 210,216 ----
      $addstring =
preg_replace('/\\\\n/',"\n",$addstring);  # replace \n
by newlines
      $addstring =
 # replace {date:fmt}
      $addstring =
 # replace {strftime:fmt}
+     $addstring =
 # replace {name[key]} fields
      $addstring =
 # replace {name} fields
      $linekey = md5(microtime().$addstring);
      $addstring = str_replace('(:adl delete:)',"(:adl
delete $linekey $pagename:)",$addstring);  # Add
linekey to delete statements

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