[pmwiki-devel] minor(?) inefficiency in CondAuth function

Thomas Pitschel th.pitschel at gmx.de
Mon Feb 26 00:39:01 CST 2007


I just came again across the authentication functions and have seen the line

return (boolean)RetrieveAuthPage($pn, $level, false, READPAGE_CURRENT);

in function CondAuth in pmwiki.php.

Isn't a bit waste to retrieve the page content just for finding out whether there the user is authenticated on the specified level? If there are many (:if auth ... :) clauses in the markup, this slows down the server response unnecessarily.

As I am currently working on an alternative auth module, my preferred solution would be to have an additional permission check handle similar to $AuthFunction, but now with two arguments (authprompt always false):

$CurrUserHasPermFor($pagename, $level).

It's is of course uncritical though - one can always define a custom Conditions['auth'] function and do whatever optimization one likes.

Any comments about it?


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