[pmwiki-devel] ZAPcart configurability [was: Stumped on string insertions...]
The Editor
editor at fast.st
Sat Apr 7 20:51:22 CDT 2007
Hi all!
I've just about finished revisions to the ZAPcart module and am now
only adding a few tweaks to it. Here are some of the
1) A single Site.ZAPCartConfig page where all items can be defined,
prices set, etc. Easily updatable.
2) Can set up the forms in various ways for contributions, simple
purchases, etc., or a full-fledged shopping cart storing order info on
wiki pages.
3) Uses session-id's for orders bypassing the need for authenticated members
4) Highly configurable setup (a bit complex), or simple out of the box
base functionality.
5) Full integration with PayPal
If you have features you'd like to see in this, or recommend for it,
let me know.
I had a few questions and request for input however.
1) Currently, I have it set to use a javascript function to calculate
changes to the price, shipping etc., and just include that function in
part of the ZAPcart markup. However, I could embed all that code in
the actual page (via the markup) and forget the javascript. It does
have a paypal email address, etc. in it, so it is nicer to hide it,
but I don't like having to handle the extra file. And .js files are
not particularly secure anyway.
2) I'm still trying to make it more configurable by setting a few
variables like the following as SDV variables. But can't figure out
how to get the $vars to substitute with their value when used in the
function. Here's a repost of my question on the topic yesterday.
> SDV($ZAPorderrows, '<tr><td
> nowrap>$itemname </td><td><input type=text size=4
> name=$itemlabel value=$itemqty
> onblur=calculate()> at</td><td
> align=right>$itemprice </td><td><input type=text size=7
> name=$itemlabel value=$itemcost onblur=calculate()
> onFocus=blur()></td></tr>');
> Then somewhere in the markup for the form I want to be able to do
> something like this (within a foreach loop):
> $orderrows .= $ZAPorderrows;
> However I need to be able to replace the variables like $itemname and
> $itemlabel with their current value at that time. I can't seem to get
> the right combination of ' " etc to make this work. Can someone
> suggest something?
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