[pmwiki-devel] ZapMail module.
Craige Leeder
craige at internetadvisor.ca
Thu Nov 30 13:33:27 CST 2006
I was working at getting introduced to ZapData today, mainly with the
email form, as that is what I am going to be immediatly using it for.
However, with the following code, I get the error "Email template not
found. Email not sent." which should not happen according to
zapsite.org. It should default to the current page, with modifications.
The code is as follows:
(:zapform `emailto`emailfrom`emailsubject`emailbody` :)
||border=0 cellpadding=5
||(:input hidden emailto "craige at internetadvisor.ca" size=40 checked:) ||
||Your Email: ||(:input text emailfrom somewhere at out.there size=40:)
||Subject: ||(:input text emailsubject Test size=40:)
||Message: ||(:input textarea emailbody cols=34 rows=6:)
|| ||(:input submit value="Send Message":)
I am using the latest release of ZapData, and ZapMail.
- Craige
-- InternetAdvisor.ca
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