[pmwiki-devel] Authentication Coding

Mark Sorbello marksorbello at yahoo.com.au
Mon Nov 20 03:21:33 CST 2006

Question 1:

I want to create some methods in a cookbook recipe which tell me if a user has privileges  to perform a particular action.


eg $groupname = "Main" and $level = "edit"

function userHasGroupAccess($groupname, $level){return (boolean)...}


eg $groupname = "Main.WikiSandbox " and $level = "admin" or "edit" or "read" etc.

function userHasPageAccess($pagename, $level){return (boolean)...}


This will allow me to have some decent hooks into pmwiki.php, to see if a user is authenticated, what their privileges are, and show then a login screen if they don't have sufficient access.


I have written some code to implement a non existent feature at (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PmWikiFeatures).  While it has been used at a website for ages, I wouldn't mind open saucing my code, and I want to polish the code up before I release it.  The aim is that I want to make sure that my cookbook solution uses existing Authentication and Authorization code.

Question 2:

Why is there not a development wiki?

Question 3:

Does posting to this mail group keep my email address safe from the internet?  (Let's hope so as I am emailing this).


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