[pmwiki-devel] Rethinking ZAP permissions

Jiri Hladůvka / OBUTEX admin at obutex.com
Thu Nov 16 08:34:18 CST 2006

The Editor napsal(a):
> people can read and not zap or edit, or pages people can read and zap
> but not edit.  Probably what Pm will do for the upcoming commenting
> feature.
Would you explain what "to zap" means ?

> ... (ZAP has never been
> hacked to my knowledge).  
Isn't it too soon to make such a conclusion? The ZAP modules are not in 
the center of hackers interest yet.
But on some sunny day someone will try to missuse them. I will be carefull.

BTW I use the AuthUser features to test if to display Submit buttons or not.
I thought that if the submit button is not displayed then the form stays 
Should I test the (:input hidden savedata ... as well ?

> But one of my design goals was to avoid having to
> edit multiple local config files wherever possible.  Maybe a
> ZAPallow[module] variable with a CSV list of groups/pages where that
> module can be checked?  That way everything could be set in one config
> file...
I think that form creation should be on admins shoulders. He/she will be 
responsible for
who can submit the forms. Then it is logical to list groups or pages (or 
even pagename templates) where the ZAPform
can be executed (page headers, footers, templates). Thus the visitors 
still can be allowed
to create and edit pages but if they edit some page (out of the range of 
allowed pages)
and insert there a ZAPform then the form refuses the processing.
> Second, I'm thinking about removing the AuthId from the security
> session variable so ZAP works better with password based sites (not
> using AuthUser). 
I don't know what the "security session variable" is.
I think the admin should have the site under control himself using the 
pmwiki core features
not to think about a lot of security variants.


OBUTEX s.r.o
Ing.Jiří Hladůvka
Zlatovská 22
911 01 Trenčín

tel.: +421 (0)32 6587000
mailto:admin at obutex.com


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