[pmwiki-devel] AddDeleteLine...

Nils Knappmeier nk at knappi.org
Sun Nov 5 06:15:07 CST 2006

Hi Petko,

> Hey, Nils,
> I keep working with your script and made some more changes. Sending you my 
> current version, as it is now.
> The most important change is for the  function AdlTemplateMarkup(): changed 
> from htmlentities() to htmlspecialchars(). You should absolutely change this 
> one because otherwise the page breaks if the site is not in latin-1 encoding 
> (for example UTF-8). This changes nothing to the current functionnality.

Sounds reasonable.

> Other changes that I made are big changes so that the current ADL "alpha" 
> works with the latest pmwiki beta, AND with
>  $EnableRelativePageVars = 1; 
> (see http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/ReleaseNotes )
> You may not wish to have these changes now, but I have them so take a look 
> what I did (do a diff). Briefly: change from the page name to {$FullName} 
> inside (:adl delete:).
> Why I did that: because I am moving old/outdated page contents with a script 
> and then the "delete" command stops working. With {$FullName} it works. It 
> will not work if a page is (:included:) and $EnableRelativePageVars is not 
> set to 1. But this will be the default pmwiki setting in a while so I am 
> doing this in anticipation.

I see. Maybe I can include this as a configuration option. Is PmWiki 2.2 
still beta?

> Another, less important change is that one can add page variables in the 
> template and they will not be processed as an ADL input. That is, if in the 
> template we have {$Group},  ADL will  output {$Group} and not an empty 
> string.

That seems reasonable too. I would even say, this was a bug, because 
{$Group} is not a form field. What's the meaning of {[...} ?   Your 
regex here is: /\{([^\[\$\*]*?)\}/ which forbids {[ and {$ and {* at any 
place in the field name. Doesn't that screw up array fields like
{name[]}. I'd rather go with /\{([^\$\*].*?)\}/ or /\{([^\[\$\*].*?)\}/ 
(for identifying the field names in the template text).

I have not uploaded the changes yet.


PS: I hope you don't mind that I sent the answer to the pmwiki-devel 
list. But there may be more interested persons.

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