[pmwiki-devel] Sharing common functions between recipes / a core modification request

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Sat Nov 4 05:16:36 CST 2006

Thursday, November 2, 2006, 11:06:34 AM, Dominique wrote:

> Thus, my request core modification is to provide an
> ExplodeLink()-equivalent function in (and BTW having ResolveLink()
> using it).

> The ResolveLink() could be efficiently shared between all the recipes
> that would make use of attachement/url specifications and therefore
> being integrated also...

Dom, I am all for reusing functions and code.
Especially since I have difficulty in understanding them anyway!
I can't comment on the implications of your request for changing the
ExplodeLink function in pmwiki (if I understood you correctly).
But I hope Pm was listening.

I would like to be able to use your ResolveLink() function,
but I have not got it to work, since i don't understand it enough.
I tried to construct a dewplayer (thanks for the link, a sweet
little flash player!), but it worked only for external hhtp:// type
links, Attach: links worked for uploading, but went into the html as
Attach:file.ext, the path to uploads/Group etc was not converted.
Can you tell me what I am missing?
I used this code, plus the markup directive and the two functions
you shared.

function DewPlayer($pagename, $tgt, $args) {
  global $FarmPubDirUrl;
  if(!ResolveLink($pagename, $tgt, $url, $lpath, $txt))
    return isset($lpath) ? $url : '';
  $out = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
         width="150" height="20">
         <param name="movie"
         value='.$FarmPubDirUrl.'/dewplayer/dewplayer-mini.swf?mp3='.$tgt.'&amp;bgcolor=FFFFFF" />
  return $out;

$tgt gets just the value of Attach:filename



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