[pmwiki-devel] [pmwiki-users] Newsletter throttling

The Editor editor at fast.st
Wed Nov 1 14:55:44 CST 2006

On 11/1/06, Neil Herber (nospam) <nospam at eton.ca> wrote:
> On 2006-11-01 The Editor is rumoured to have said:
> > I'm very much open to suggestions on how to do this. My current plan
> > is to allow the form to set a value for how many seconds the function
> > will sleep between emails. I have several small lists, and may create
> > more for forums, classes, teams, etc. They can go out with sleep set
> > to 0 or 1. I also have a larger mailing list of about 3000 emails
> > (monthly newsletter). My default setting will be a sleep of 10 or 20
> > seconds for this group. Or send out in clusters of 10 or 20 and sleep
> > for several minutes.
> I don't have answers to the questions you have asked directly, but I do
> have a suggestion. If the lists you are mailing to are more than about
> 30 addresses I would be inclined to use a real listserve. Your ISP may
> have such facilities available for a nominal fee.
> Listserves usually interect directly with the sending SMTP server and do
> intelligent things like grouping mail to the same domain to reduce the
> number of connections required.
> I know you may have many other reasons for wanting to manage the entire
> process via PmWiki and PHP, but the prospect of a 3000 member list being
> handled this way makes me cringe.
> As usual, feel free to ignore my raining on your parade!

Ahh, no problem Neil.  I'd still like to go forward with this as it
will be much easier to administer than mailman.  Subscribing,
unsubscribing, email validation, etc.  And if nothing else, I will use
it for multiple small web-baed classes, where it's just not worth the
trouble to set up a real listserv.

Besides, I want to be able to automatically archive my emails on
PmWiki and various other fun things that will all be much easier (for
me at least) within PmWiki.

I would consider using something else for my large newsletter list but
even 3000 is not too big.  I don't like the mailman interface which is
what my ISP uses, and it does not allow throttling.  I've looked
*repeatedly* for other mailing list systems I could install easily and
integrate into PmWiki, and have had no luck.  So even for my bigger
newsletter, I am inclined to try this route for now (as I would only
use it once or twice a month at most).

When I'm rich and famous I'll hire someone like Crisses to do all my
tough webmastering stuff for me!  Like setting up a real listserv.  :
)  Until then, I *think* I'd rather build on ZAP which I know pretty
well, inside and out.  Besides I about have this recipe licked already
(at least the hard parts).  If we can just settle a little more
clearly on how we want it to actually work!


PS. Oh, and as for dealing directly with SMTP servers, I am thinking
seriously about using the phpmailer for the newsletter recipe so I'm
not just stuck with mail(). I understand it can do that...  Marc?

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