[pmwiki-announce] PmWiki 2.3.17 released

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Sat Dec 17 04:29:28 PST 2022

Hello. PmWiki version 2.3.17 was published today, and is available at:


This release has updates for recent PHP versions.

The edit textarea had some improvements. Edit buttons and the automatic
edit text will now insert their wiki markup in a way which allows for
the "undo" function in the text area to work (with Ctrl+Z). The edit
textarea (with $EnableEditAutoText enabled) now accepts 4 new keyboard
shortcuts: Ctrl+L and Ctrl+Shift+L to convert the selected text to
lowercase or uppercase, and Ctrl+Shift+ArrowUp or ArrowDown to move the
line with the cursor up or down.

A new variable $EnableBaseNameConfig was added - it allows to enable
automatic inclusion of local configuration for the "base name" of the
current page, for example Group.Page-Draft to include
local/Group.Page.php if it exists.

Conditional markup (:if auth @admins, at editors:) can now check if
the current user belongs to selected usergroups (with AuthUser).

A few minor bugs and omissions were fixed, and the documentation was


If you upgrade :  https://www.pmwiki.org/Upgrades

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