[pmwiki-announce] PmWiki 2.2.119 released

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Thu Oct 3 07:25:56 PDT 2019

Hello. PmWiki version 2.2.119 was published today, and is available at:


This version updates the core for PHP 7.4. Required input fields now
feature required="required" attributes and modern browsers prevent
sending the edit or upload form with empty required fields. Attachlist
ext= and names= arguments now accept patterns and negatives like
ext=jpg,png, ext=-pdf, or names=-th*---*.jpg. The Redirect function can
now have a 3rd argument with the full URL. The scroll position in the
edit text area will be remembered on save-and-edit and preview. A bug
was fixed with pagelist while preview. The documentation was updated.

A number of features currently provided by recipes were added to the
core and disabled by default. You can still use the recipes, or you can
disable them and enable the core features. The following features were
* e-mail obfuscation functions based on Cookbook:DeObMail
* a FixUrl button based on Cookbook:FixURL, see $EnableGuiEditFixUrl
* $EnableNotSavedWarning based on Cookbook:NotSavedWarning
* $EnableEditAutoText based on Cookbook:EditHelp
* $PmTOC, (:toc:), (:notoc:), Table of contents/Numbered headings,
   based on a simplified variant of Cookbook:AutoTOC
* $EnableSortable, basic sortable tables
* $EnableRCDiffBytes based on Cookbook:DeltaBytesRecentChanges
* $EnableSimpleTableRowspan replicating the markup from
* $WikiPageCSSFmt enables CSS in a wiki page, based on Cookbook:LocalCSS
* $EnableHighlight code highlight feature compatible with "highlight.js"
* $AddLinkCSS['othergroup'] and $AddLinkCSS['samedomain'] can add
   custom CSS classes for in-wiki links to other groups and for URL links
   to the same site.

The above new features are disabled by default, see the documentation
for more information on how to enable them, or test them on pmwiki.org
where most of these are enabled. Please report if you notice any

If you upgrade :  http://www.pmwiki.org/Upgrades

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