[pmwiki-announce] leading spaces switch for 2.2.0 (somewhat important)

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Fri Mar 23 19:02:49 CDT 2007

Based on a number of recent events, I'm thinking of switching the
PmWiki default in 2.2.0 so that leading whitespace characters on
markup lines no longer produce preformatted text.  It would of 
course be available as an option for those who want it, or for 
those sites that have a lot of existing preformatted text based
on the leading whitespace rule.

Yes, this would mean substantially fixing up many existing
preformatted sections of the PmWiki docs, and yes, I'm up for 
doing that if we decide to make this switch.

This would not completely supplant the LiteralWhitespace
recipe, as this only deals with removing the special 
interpretation of leading spaces as preformatted text.

I've started a page for voting at 
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/VoteOnLeadingWhitespace .  
Discussion can take place either on the mailing list or at
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/VoteOnLeadingWhitespace-Talk .

Thanks in advance for opinions and comments!


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