[pmwiki-announce] 2.0.beta18 released

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud
Mon Jan 17 12:22:02 EST 2005

I've just released 2.0.beta18, now available at 
http://www.pmwiki.org/pub/pmwiki .  Unfortunately SourceForge is having
trouble with their uploads and file release system at the moment, so 
it's not available for download there (although it should be 
available via CVS on sourceforge).

This message summarizes changes made over the last several releases.

Graphic edit buttons: PmWiki 2.0.beta15 introduced the graphical buttons 
for the "edit page" form -- 2.0.beta18 improves the text selection 
code a bit, and adds some new button images into pub/guiedit/ that 
administrators can use to add list, table, heading, and other options 
to the button bar.  Examples of including these buttons into the default 
bar are available in the sample-config.php file.

The "Heading 3" button has been changed to read just "Heading", and 
produces a !! (<h2>) heading to be more consistent with W3C guidelines.
The sample-config.php file has an example for adding a "Subheading"
button that produces a !!! (<h3>) heading in the markup.

The "Attach:" button now appears only if uploads have been enabled for the

WikiTrails:  It's now possible to specify alternate link text for the
wiki trail page; i.e., "<<|[[TrailPage | link text]]|>>" now displays
"link text" as the centerpiece of the trail.

WikiStyles:  The color attribute for WikiStyles now propagates into
anchor tags, thus %color=green% http://example.com  %% will display the
link text in green (previously it inherited the link attributes).  This
more closely follows PmWiki v1's behavior and is more likely what authors

Bugfixes:  A number of bugs have been fixed:
  - Advanced tables are now properly closed at the end of a page
  - $DefaultPasswords once again understands arrays of passwords
  - Fixed $LastModified display in page history output
  - Fixed bug with invalid HTML resulting from <p>...</p> being placed 
    around block HTML tags
  - Fixed an incorrect call to setlocale() in pmwiki.php that was
    setting the locale rather than just returning the current locale

Comments and questions can be reported to the pmwiki-users mailing list;
bugs and feature requests can go either to the mailing list or to PITS

Thanks again!


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