<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>
<div><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>Hi, Petro</div>
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<div>I need a few days to think and experiment; but, I have found in the past that htaccess is supposed to work as you say; that is, from a single file in a directory covering all sub-directories; but in reality, putting htaccess code such as I have used in each subdirectory makes it more reliable, and doesn't hurt anything.</div>
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<div>The shift from <STRONG><EM>my</EM></STRONG> server page-opener (iPage Php - with whom I've had a lot slowdown-breaks-and support desk calls for page-non-opening) to Apache AddType plus rewrite (not <EM>redirect</EM>) code, speeds and improves from a point of reliability <STRONG><EM>my</EM></STRONG> page opening to where it is as good, or better than AOL (asp) using Comcast, a well-known internet provider. </div>
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<div>AddHandler slows page-opening, but increases reliability where <EM>edit-save</EM>, and other operations are concerned.</div>
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<div>That covers most of your points; however, I will keep your crit on the top of my site, and continue to study it.</div>
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<div>I would say that people should be given a chance to try the coding out on their systems; that is, if they have Apache, or intend to install it. If it works for them, we can chalk up disparities to the <EM>mystery factor</EM>; it's just too hard to know who has written what over the years, and where it is now to account for what is actually happening.</div>
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<div>It won't break anything; and if it does, I have made clear that they should have a zip or tar file of their site ready to inflate and overwrite the broken site, if they don't have a working serverside backup utility.</div>
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<div><IMG alt=:-) src="http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/resources/core/images/smile.png" width=25 height=25>John </div>
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<div style="CLEAR: both">
<div><IMG alt=:-) src="http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/resources/core/images/smile.png" width=25 height=25>John </div>
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