Hi all.<br>I have a little problem to insert the following code into my website, so I hope that someone could help me.<br><br><?php<br>// START of "Frontpage Slideshow" settings<br>
$nameOfSlideshowToDisplay = "myslideshow"; // Enter
the name of your slideshow. Slideshows are in folders inside
/fpss/slideshows/.<br> $URLofyoursite = "<a href="http://www.animalattack.info">http://www.animalattack.info</a>"; // Enter your site's URL.<br> $AbsoluteServerPathofyoursite = "/homez.56/animalat/www/"; // Enter the root path of your site on the server.<br>
<br> // do not edit below this line<br> include_once($AbsoluteServerPathofyoursite."/fpss/mod_fpslideshow.php");<br>// END of "Frontpage Slideshow" settings<br>?><br><br>I
tried the cookbook's file titled PHP Execute (that I don't really
understand how it works), but there is an error after I submit the page
with the code between (:php:)(:phpend:).<br>So the only solution that I
found for the moment is to use one of the following scripts :
IncludeSite or IncludeURL (as you can see here
<a href="http://www.animalattack.info/PmWiki/Nachthymnen">http://www.animalattack.info/PmWiki/Nachthymnen</a>). It works with both
but it's difficult to custom iframe (background color, etc), so I
prefer to try another solution.<br>Is anyone could help me to do that ?<br><br>Thanks in advance for all !