<br>Hello, <br><br>I have managed to totally break the authorization mechanism of my pmwiki. <br>I was successfully using AuthUsers for a while, but can no longer do so. <br>I have not performed any version update nor changed my AuthUsers installation. <br>
But I did try to remove the AuthUsers package and all DefaultPasswords settings<br>and I removed the cookie mechanism by quoting out the following: <br>if($AuthId && !@$_COOKIE[$AuthorCookie]) {<br> $Author = $AuthId; setcookie($AuthorCookie,<br>
$Author, $AuthorCookieExpires, $AuthorCookieDir); }<br><br>And I did empty my cache and remove cookies from Firefox. <br><br>The present situation: <br>- If in the config.php file I comment out all password related lines, then I can edit pages -<br>
but I still cannot see or edit Site/AuthUsers or SiteAdmin/AuthUsers. (!)<br>- If in the config.php I add a line something like: <br> $DefaultPasswords['admin'] = 'admin';<br>Then I can log in as 'admin', but that makes no change to the edit capabilities. <br>
Same for $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = 'edit';<br><br>What this means is i can no longer use neither the default password protection mechanism, nor the AuthUser mechanism. <br><br>What should I do to fix this? <br>
<br>Thanks, <br><br>Iannis Zannos<br><br><br>