Hello the list,<br><br>Here it is my project :<br>I would like to include on a dedicated page multiple quotes coming from other pages. <br>For example (I'm working on a bibliography) :<br>book1 has a page.book1 notice where I quote Author1 : «Book1 is very good» and Author2 : «I dislike book1».<br>
book2 has a page.book2 notice where I quote Author1 : «Book2 is very good» and Author3 : «I dislike book2».<br>book3 has a page.book3 notice where there is no quote.<br>etc.<br>(please note quotes on bookpages may be written everywhere in the page -no structured page-, and that there may be several quotes from each Author ; I'm sure I can't use includes in my case).<br>
<br>I guess it may be useful to get a special quote page aggregating all quotes made by all authors. <br>For example, page.allquotes would show something as :<br>page.book1<br>Author1 : «Book1 is very good» <br>Author2 : «I dislike book1».<br>
page.book2<br>Author1 : «Book2 is very good» <br>Author3 : «I dislike book2».<br><br>At this time, I'm using Hans' textextract recipe (nice), with success :<br>while quoting Author1 I write %eval_author1% (this is a comment code, not displayed, I use as a distinctive pattern to say : this line is an evaluation quote from Author1) ; then I can extract the quotes using textextract :<br>
{(extract 'eval_' Page.book* unit=line prefix=link snip=%.*%)}<br>or every quotes done by Author1 :<br>{(extract 'eval_Author1' Page.book* unit=line prefix=link snip=%.*%)}<br><br>I'm happy with the recipe, but I'm not sure if there aren't any other way to do that.<br>
What do you think about that solution ? what about server usage using textextract recipe is such a way ? do someone have better idea on how to aggregate multiple lines coming from other pages ?<br><br>Thank you,<br>Gilles.<br>