Hi!<br><br>I have a simple stupid question, but I can't find the answer.<br><br>When creating categories, or groups, by default a page is created which is named category.category.<br><br>Eg I have a Logbook with for each month a page: Logbook.February,Logbook.March etc. Then also Logbook.logbook is created.<br>
>From the pagelist I would like to get a list which includes February, March etc but not Logbook.<br><br>If I use: (:pagelist group=Logbook list=normal :)<br>I get: <br>* Logbook<br>** Logbook.February<br>** Logbook.Logbook<br>
<br>The last entry should be excluded, how do I do that?<br>I tried :<br>$SearchPatterns['test'][] = '!^Group\.Group$!';<br><br>But it doesn't work. (I don't really understand the pattern syntax)<br>
<br>Thanks for your help, Thomas<br><br>