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<font face="Arial">Hi Hans,<br>
I downloaded the latest fox.php and followed your guidance. <br>
I confirm this is working perfectly now.<br>
I really appreciate the time/effort you put into fox and also the help
you provide for those who use it.<br>
Thank you!<br>
Hans wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:564759791.20080909101756@softflow.co.uk"
<pre wrap="">Monday, September 8, 2008, 9:41:33 AM, Graham Archer wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> (:fox D4GoLiveForm ptvtarget=MgmtOps.Test template=0 redirect=1:)
[+Current Status:+](:input select {$:colour} "":)(:input select
{$:colour} "Red":)(:input select {$:colour} "Yellow":)(:input select {$:colour} "Green":)
(:input submit post "Submit":)
(:foxend D4GoLiveForm:)
<pre wrap=""><!---->
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> On target page , (MgmtOps.Test), I have just:
<pre wrap=""><!---->
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> {$colour}
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Graham, while testing adding and updating PTVs I found one issue in
the script, so now I updated fox.php with some bug fixes.
Please try the new version.
Your form should look something like this (I split the lines to make
it more readable):
(:fox D4GoLiveForm ptvtarget=MgmtOps.Test redirect=1:)
[+Current Status:+]
(:input select $:colour "":)
(:input select $:colour "Red":)
(:input select $:colour "Yellow":)
(:input select $:colour "Green":)
(:input submit post "Submit":)
(:foxend D4GoLiveForm:)
Main change: no curly brackets for the select element names.
The $:colour will make it into a ptv field name.
If you would use (:input select colour ...:) etc
you would need to specify also ptvfields=colour.
template=0 should not be necessary, as you use ptvtarget=
On the target page you need to set {$:colour} in order to display the
value of a PTV named "colour", i.e. for instance a PTV (:colour: Red:)
Fox will create (:colour: value:) as posted, if there is no PTV
present yet. Or a PTV in a different format if you specify in the form
ptvfmt= (text, or deflist etc.)
Hope this helps.