.hmmessage P
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I am setting up categories on my site. I have followed the guidlines and have pasted the suggested code into the group footer for categories. (Category.GroupFooter) <BR>
(:pagelist link=Category.{*$Name} list=normal:)<BR>
I have tried every other extension I can think of to get the list to populate correctly into the category page.<BR>
Please see Bellow. <BR>
<A href="http://www.botanybaywatch.com.au/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Category.Invertebrates">http://www.botanybaywatch.com.au/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Category.Invertebrates</A><BR>
The list is inconsistant. I shows only some of the linked pages to the category page, not all.<BR>
Where and I going wrong??? <BR>
Any Help will be greatly appreciated. :) <BR>
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