<div dir="ltr">I upgraded to the latest Fox files. Now, my Shoutbox doesn't work properly. I enter text and post, and then a blank page displays. <br><br>I have several other forms using the latest Fox, and I have no problems.<br>
<br>Here's my lightly edited version of Shoutbox--<br><br>(:if ! equal {$Author} "":)<br>>>shoutbox<<<br>%sidehead%shoutbox<br>(:fox shoutbox #top target=Systems/ShoutBox:)<br>(:input hidden author value='{$Author}' :) <br>
(:input textarea class=shoutbox shout cols=20 rows=2:)<br>(:input submit post Enter:)<br>(:foxtemplate "%red%{$$author}%% [-{$$(date:M j, 'y g a)}-]\n{$$shout}[[<<]]":)<br>(:foxend shoutbox:)<br>(:include Systems/ShoutBox lines=30:)<br>
%right%[[Systems/ShoutBox|more >>]]<br>>><<<br>(:if:)<br></div>