I have mastered some parts of extending pmWiki markup, but there is one simple case that I can't seem to get to work.<br><br>In a travelog that has navigation between pages, I have been laboriously copying the same code at the top and bottom of each pakge and then modifying it so that there is a previous day and next day link. The wiki code is something like:
<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">||[[Main.MonFeb05|<- Monday, February 5]] || [[Main.WedFeb07|Wednesday, February 7 ->]]||<br></div><br>I have gotten tired of this copying and so I decided to create what I think of as a macro to generate the pmWiki language code from a short directive:
<br><br>(:navprevnext Feb6:)<br><br>the code that I have added to my config.php file is:<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">## NAVPREVNEXT<br>Markup('navprevnext', 'fulltext', '/\\(:navprevnext +(.*?):\\)/e', "GenerateNavPrevNextCode('$1')");
<br>function GenerateNavPrevNextCode($DateStr)<br>{<br> $date = strtotime($DateStr);<br> $prev = $date - 86400;<br> $next = $date + 86400;<br><br> $result = "||[[Main." . date("DMd",$prev) . "|<- " . date("l, F j", $prev) . "]] || [[Main." . date("DMd",$next) . "|" . date("l, F j", $next) . " ->]]||";
<br><br> return Keep($result);<br>}<br></div><br clear="all">The problem is that the pmWiki markup appears, not the interpretation of the markup.<br><br>Can anybody suggest what I am doing wrong? I think I have tried every different "when" setting with no success.
<br><br>Thanks,<br><br> Harry<br><br>-- <br>Harry Forsdick<br>781.861.6149 (home) 781.799.6002 (cell)<br><a href="http://www.forsdick.com">http://www.forsdick.com</a><br><a href="http://forsdick.blogspot.com">http://forsdick.blogspot.com
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