[pmwiki-users] Choose random picture

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Wed May 22 07:32:43 PDT 2024

This is possible both with Mini and Thumblist recipes. You will find 
them in the cookbook:


I recommend Mini if you don't already use Thumblist.

There are demos for the random/shuffled pictures (one or more) here:

   https://tl.5ko.fr/M/R1 (Mini)
   https://tl.5ko.fr/T/Shuffle (Thumblist)

You can refresh these pages to see the pictures change.


If you upgrade :  https://www.pmwiki.org/Upgrades

On 22/05/2024 16:13, Thomas Hirtenlehner wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I've multiple illustrations of the same thing but only want one
> illustration on the page in question.
> Is there a(n easy) way to (randomly) choose one of the illustrations
> on the page each time it refreshes?

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