[pmwiki-users] Incorporating a double underline into the default pmwiki skin

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Wed May 22 06:56:04 PDT 2024

Do you mean a markup to designate headings, as in Markdown?

This has never been enabled in the PmWiki core. There are a number of 
markdown recipes, maybe you have previously used one of them and need to 
reinstall it.



If you upgrade :  https://www.pmwiki.org/Upgrades

On 22/05/2024 15:45, ASLAN Data wrote:
> My sites are back up and running pmwiki-2.3.32 (VersionNum=2003032)
> using the default pmwiki skin.
> How can I modify some portion of the default skin or config to allow
> me to utilize double-underline markup "====" again?

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