[pmwiki-users] Persistent setting of Ext. Gain

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Wed Jun 12 22:20:29 PDT 2024

Hi Barry,

This is the PmWiki mailing list, not the TinySA mailing list. PmWiki is 
a web publishing software, and TinySA use it for their website. Some 
PmWiki links are still on their sidebar.

You can reach the very active TinySA community via their mailing list:


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Good luck,


On 13/06/2024 07:12, Barry de Graaff wrote:
> Is there a way to have the setting of External Gain be persistent?
> Since I only have one attenuator and I have it connected always, it is
> a little frustrating to having to keep setting it after reboot
> or when I select Measure Harmonics after setting the Ext Gain instead
> of the other way around.
> Please let me know, thanks!

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