[pmwiki-users] Parsing search query to the $opt variable

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Wed Jun 28 04:54:31 PDT 2023

In theory, you should be able to do something like this:

   $query = "seznam×nadaljevalni \"'''UPORABNOST''': strupen\" 

   $opt = ParseArgs($query, $GLOBALS['PageListArgPattern']);

This should populate the $opt array like this:

   $opt = [''=>["seznam×nadaljevalni", "'''UPORABNOST''': strupen"], 
'name'=>"-$pagename" ];

Or you can define this array yourself if it makes more sense to you.

The element with an empty key $opt[''] is an array with all words or 
phrases that are required to be in the page texts.

Then you should be able to use this with:

   $list = []; # defined before next line
   FPLTemplatePageList($pagename, $list, $opt);
   # use $list

In pagelist.php, the parsing of the query string happens in the first 30 
lines of FmtPageList() but indeed it is complicated to follow, as these 
are merged with some default settings, and with any request variables.


On 28/06/2023 13:18, Gregor Klarič wrote:
> I am using the  FPLTemplatePageList function in a custom markup in
> this way
> $opt = [''=>$searchwords, 'name'=>"-$pagename" ];
>  FPLTemplatePageList($pagename, $list, $opt);
> where  $searchwords is an array of the search words which I am
> providing by parsing the parameters of my markup. I don't seem to
> parse it right though.
> I would like to parse this search query as it is:
> seznam×nadaljevalni "'''UPORABNOST''': strupen"
> to produce this result:
> https://www.gobe.si/Gobe/AgaricusAugustus?fmt=%23title&order=title&name=-*RecentChanges*&action=search&q=seznam%C3%97nadaljevalni+%22%27%27%27UPORABNOST%27%27%27%3A+strupen%22
> but I can not find the piece of code in pagelist.php that pases this
> and builds the correct  $searchwords and  $opts variable.

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