[pmwiki-users] set line spacing to 0 for images

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Wed Jun 14 20:54:40 PDT 2023

Yes, you can activate CSS for specific pages, but there may be a better 

Create a file pub/css/MyGroup.MyPage.css and it will be loaded when a 
visitor opens the MyGroup.MyPage page.

However there may be a better way: just add to your local.css styles for 
specific classes of elements:

   .zero-line-height {
     line-height: 0;

Then in the wiki page, wrap your images in a division block of the same 

    Your image links here

Note that some email clients may wrongly format the above lines like 

The first line is ">>zero-line-height<<" and the last line is ">><<".

Enabling line-height for the specific block will allow you to have some 
normally formatted text above and below the images.


If you upgrade :  https://www.pmwiki.org/Upgrades

On 15/06/2023 00:12, Thomas Hirtenlehner wrote:
> hi Everyone!
> I took a big picture, chopped it up into 9 parts and included it on a
> page with links to other pages.
> The plan being to make a big clickable image as starting page.
> However the line spacing foiled my attempts, as I don't seem to be
> able to get rid of it.
> I did find this page:
> https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SuperscriptLineSpacing
> and using what I learned there, I could set the line-height for this
> group to 0 by adding the respective line to the style sheet.
> This, of course, changed the line height for the whole group to 0. I
> could create a new group just for such pages and link back and forth
> from the actual group to this helper group, but I'd rather keep my
> projects in their respective groups.
> Is there a way to just activate this style for certain pages?
> best regards
> Thomas

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