[pmwiki-users] Thumblist caption improvements

Simon nzskiwi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 18:16:55 PST 2023

Just a big shout out to Petko for an improvement he made to ThumbList

See Thumblist² / Custom question variables (5ko.fr)

If you name your photos with text that can be massaged into a caption then
a customised Question-mark variable can be used to generate a caption from
the filename,

I'm excited about this because this is already saving me hours of work, for
a little customisation effort.

Based on the already competent example Petko provide (again many thanks) I
can take a file name such as

yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss description

and create a caption of


that has spaced camel case, removes characters such as dots and spaces, and
converted to title case if it is all lower case

Just another example of the awesomeness of PmWiki

ngā mihi nui

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