[pmwiki-users] [pmwiki-devel] RFC: Community poll for PageList link/category arguments
Petko Yotov
5ko at 5ko.fr
Mon Dec 27 00:04:42 PST 2021
On 27/12/2021 07:57, Petko Yotov wrote:
> When you're searching for links to multiple pages or to wildcards, the
> new core algorithm is different from the one in the recipe, with fewer
> loops, and I believe (hope) it will be faster than the current recipe.
On PmWiki.org we only have about 10K pages, and here is our benchmark:
Single page:
17: 00.22 00.21 PageListTermsTargets begin count=10109
20: 00.25 00.24 PageListTermsTargets end count=70
That's 0.03 seconds.
Wildcard, multiple pages:
52: 00.32 00.30 PageListTermsTargets begin count=10109
55: 00.39 00.37 PageListTermsTargets end count=72
That's 0.07 seconds, only 0.04s or 1/25th of a second slower than the
first one. I think it might be good enough for many people.
Note that the second search is case-insensitive, it returns 2 additional
pages which link to Pmwiki.BasicEditing (lowercase "w" in "Pmwiki")
which doesn't exist.
Not sure if I should do something about this case, or not.
On 27/12/2021 07:57, Petko Yotov wrote:
> Thank you Gilles, these are great questions. My replies below.
> On 27/12/2021 01:28, ABClf wrote:
>> I understand current installations won't be broken, yet I have a
>> question about performance, concerning multiple link in pagelist :
>> when benchmarking the same pagelist, targeting a one single link,
>> native link=mylink against cookbooked links=mylink,
>> it looks to me that native is faster ; am I right ?
>> https://www.languefrancaise.net/Test/PageListMultiple (around 3)
>> https://www.languefrancaise.net/Test/PageListNormal (around 1,70)
>> If so, would it be possible to get the best of each : native for one
>> target search, and complex for complex queries ?
> First, this is a fabulous installation with 64817 pages! It will be
> great indeed to benchmark the new feature.
> Second, we need to look at the numbers between the start and end of
> the functions, so the difference between the core and the recipe are
> even greater:
> 422: 00,69 PageListTermsTargets begin count=64817
> 425: 01,09 PageListTermsTargets end count=164
> 1.09-0.69=0.4 seconds for the core processing
> 422: 00,76 PageListMultiTargets begin count=64817
> 425: 03,17 PageListMultiTargets end count=164
> 3.17-0.76=2.41 seconds for the recipe, that's about 6 times more
> CPU-intensive.
> Indeed, in 2.3.0, when you have link=SinglePage, then the original
> scanning method is used, so the times should be very close to the
> current ones.
> When you're searching for links to multiple pages or to wildcards, the
> new core algorithm is different from the one in the recipe, with fewer
> loops, and I believe (hope) it will be faster than the current recipe.
> Again, your installation will be a great place to verify this.
>> Question 2, for this paragraph :
>> link=PageA,PageB should list pages linking to "AT LEAST ONE" among
>> PageA and PageB.
>> link=+PageA,+PageB should list pages linking to "BOTH" PageA and
>> PageB.
>> I would like to know if case bellow is involved in the choice.
>> In my case, I have a group made of pages named 1900, 1901, 1902, etc.,
>> for aggregating words by years.
>> Then, for the query
>> links=Year.199*
>> expected output would be to list pages having a link to any year page
>> from 1990 to 1999 (and not list pages having a link to all pages
>> included in the range).
> link=Year.199* or link=+Year.199* lists pages linking to any page with
> the pattern, not to all pages, whether the target page exists or not.
> The wildcard characters are about characters, not about existing pages:
> ? = exactly one character, any character
> * = between zero and any number of any character(s)
> The poll is more about a case like link=GroupA.*,GroupB.* then we need
> to decide how we want it to behave.
> Should it require at least one link to GroupA OR to GroupB like in the
> recipe?
> Should it require at least one link to GroupA AND at least one link to
> GroupB? Or should this case be written as link=+GroupA.*,+GroupB.* ?
> Petko
>> Le sam. 25 déc. 2021 à 09:13, Petko Yotov <5ko at 5ko.fr> a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I hope you are all safe, and happy holidays if you're celebrating!
>>> I've been working on some new features for version 2.3.0 and I'd like
>>> your input.
>>> If you have a few minutes, please look at this page:
>>> https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/01475
>>> ...and consider which ones of the proposed implementations may suit
>>> your
>>> wiki and your editors best, and add your name.
>>> I'd like to see some comments/votes and to release 2.3.0 by January
>>> 8.
>>> 2022, which will include implementing and documenting the new
>>> features.
>>> If you have questions or suggestions, you can add them to the page,
>>> or
>>> reply to the mailing list.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Petko
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