[pmwiki-users] Fatal error in upgrading from 2.2.45
Donald Z. Osborn
dzosborn at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 08:40:57 CDT 2015
Thank you Petko. I had gone about this backwards it seems. All working now.
One question - the new version does not include rss.php in the scripts
folder, but when I took it out of my installation, the wikipages had error
messages at top indicating this file was not found. I simply re-added it,
which seems to have solved that issue, but wondered if there is another way
I should have addressed this or any longer term issues with rss.php.
Next task is more complex - I have an old installation - 2.0 - on another
site and need to either update it or simply remove it (the wiki contents
are obsolete) and install new. The object will be to receive contents of
another wiki of about the same generation that went offline when the host
site went offline (complicated story, but it boils down to funding ending
for the project that sponsored it).
I'm tempted just to start fresh with a new installation and hope the wiki-d
files work. Or would it make more sense to import wiki.d, config, and skin,
and then do an update from 2.0? Any advice or experience of others would be
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 3:28 AM, Petko Yotov <5ko at 5ko.fr> wrote:
> On 2015-09-16 04:10, Donald Z. Osborn wrote:
>> In the process of manually updating a 2.2.45 installation with the latest.
>> Have encountered two issues:
>> 1) when adding to config the code suggested for 2.2.35 and after on
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Upgrades#v220 , which was missing from
>> my
>> config file, I got an error message about the xlpage-utf-8.php page in
>> scripts
>> 2) I updated the scripts pages including that same xlpage-utf-8.php file,
>> and got this error message:
>> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function PCCF() in
>> */misc/32/000/115/128/8/user/web/
>> donosborn.org/pmwiki/scripts/xlpage-utf-8.php
>> <http://donosborn.org/pmwiki/scripts/xlpage-utf-8.php>* on line *50*
>> ... it is easy enough to backtrack on #1 (though perhaps not deal), but
>> for
>> #2, other than reverting to the old xlpage-utf-8.php, where would the
>> PCCF() function be found in the rest of the installation?
> That function is declared in pmwiki.php, make sure you have updated this
> file to the latest version.
> --
> Change log : http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/ChangeLog
> Release notes : http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/ReleaseNotes
> If you upgrade : http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Upgrades
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