[pmwiki-users] wiki trail navigation
Petko Yotov
5ko at 5ko.fr
Mon May 19 11:31:34 CDT 2014
John Rankin writes:
> We have a link on a trail page that reads:
> * [[1960: to Rob on his 46th birthday]]
> The pagename resolves to 1960ToRobOnHis46thBirthday, but the colon after
> 1960 causes the page to be omitted from the trail. ReadTrail in trails.php
> matches [^|:]*? in the link name, so skips the entry.
Correct. Colons are not allowed in page names, and it assumes that this is
not a link to a page in the trail, for example an InterMap link.
> To get around this, we have written:
> * [[1960 to Rob on his 46th birthday |1960: to Rob on his 46th birthday]]
> Is there a simpler way?
* [[1960 to Rob on his 46th birthday|+]]
> Also, $Titlespaced resolves to "1960 To Rob On His46th Birthday". I wonder
> whether AsSpaced might look for and space (lower)(\d+lower). Or would this
> be undesirable?
If it is desirable to change the default "spacing" way, PmWiki can use a
different function to space the page names:
$AsSpacedFunction = "MyOwnAsSpaced"; # use MyOwnAsSpaced() to space names
Or, simply set the page title in a (:title ...:) directive instead.
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