[pmwiki-users] galleria recipes crossbrowser issues (with minigalleria the same problem)
lists at basel-inside.ch
lists at basel-inside.ch
Tue Nov 12 02:40:23 CST 2013
thank you, Petko, I really do understand
and thank for your answer.
Me aswell, I work with Linux and non MSIE browsers and my only
available Win-test PC is my girlfriends vista laptop.
I will continiue to do researches, as I love pmwiki and Galleria is a
killer feature.
One problem is probably a sync problem particularly when HTML and code
is generated, which results in different behavior for different MSIE.
(One problem is that galleria don't has all data it needs at the time).
Another problem are certainly style sheet conflicts.
Even if the general problems are known, I didn't find a reliable work arround.
First of all I will implement the skin switcher, to be able to test
galliera more easyly with different skins..
Thank you very much, Petko, for your very nice work with picture
galleries, I love it.
Patrick Ogay
The nuisance is that some absolute PC beginners with new laptops only
have a MSIE and are even not able or willing to download another
browser. And they always think the website doesn't work. (also I'm
shure it's a solvable problem, but needs time).
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