[pmwiki-users] adding a class to a form
Brian Tibbels
brian.tibbels at clickmarlow.co.uk
Mon Nov 11 03:49:56 CST 2013
Haha! Yes I already use that for the really tricky layouts such as adding
an <h4> embedded in a link <a> :| but I was just thinking for pmWiki to
integrate with common (and popular) frameworks there are plenty of
attributes that need to be added. If it is as simple as the example you
previously sent then they could be encapsulated in a Bootstrap or jqueryui
cookbook can it not?. Can it be done simply? - I have some time I could
devote to it.
*Brian Tibbels*
*IT support for small business and the individual*
*m*: 07804 109906* | t*: 01628 477640
On 11 November 2013 09:05, Petko Yotov <5ko at 5ko.fr> wrote:
> Brian Tibbels writes:
>> « HTML content follows »
>> Many thanks Petko - how feasible is it to allow any attribute regardless,
>> in the way that html tags work so that any attribute can be added to any
>> tag?
> You probably want http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/EnableHTML .
> Petko
> On 11 November 2013 06:00, Petko Yotov wrote:
>> Brian Tibbels writes:
>> In attempting to build a site in Bootstrap3 and I am trying to
>> add/insert :
>> class="form-horizontal" role="form"
>> to (:input auth_form :)
>> The (:input auth_form:) markup does not allow custom attributes up to
>> version 2.2.57, but I enabled them in Subversion so this will be easier
>> in the next verison.
>> In config.php, first we enable the role attribute:
>> $PostConfig[create_function('$pn','$GLOBALS["InputAttrs"]
>> []="role";')]=100;
>> Then we redefine the auth_form markup (not needed in 2.2.58 and later):
>> $InputTags['auth_form'] = array(
>> ':html' => "<form \$InputFormArgs>\$PostVars",
>> 'action' => str_replace("'", '%37', stripmagic($_SERVER['REQUEST_
>> URI'])),
>> 'method' => 'post',
>> 'name' => 'authform');
>> Then, in the wiki page (eg. Site.AuthForm) we use:
>> (:input auth_form class="form-horizontal" role="form":)
>> Petko
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