[pmwiki-users] E_DEPRECATED big problems
Petko Yotov
5ko at 5ko.fr
Fri Nov 8 15:09:43 CST 2013
KRAIT Philippe writes:
> b) despite the efforts done on pmwiki, I would still have huge problems with
> the preg_replace /e deprecation.
> And here is one of the "sick" sites : chaos.newgallo.dnsalias.net
The reported errors look as if they come from recipes, not from the PmWiki
core. Some recipes that currently use the /e modifier may need to be updated
in order to work with PHP 5.5 without triggering the warning. Try contacting
their authors for this.
> Anyway, my site is now totally unusable. I am not a complete newbie, but php
> error_reporting completely escapes me. I have tried modifying some options
> in pmwiki.php, or in php.ini, but have not been able to make it look normal
> again.
Try adding this to config.php in order to use old style recipes:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
(some users reported that for this to work you need to set $EnableDiag to 0)
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