[pmwiki-users] another utf 8 question
Maria McKinley
mariak at mariakathryn.net
Mon Jun 3 20:57:05 CDT 2013
For the record: Somehow libapache2-mod-php5filter instead
of libapache2-mod-php5 was installed. Why it worked for so long, or what
the difference is I do not know, but having the right mod installed got rid
of the weird characters.
thanks for everyone's help!
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Maria McKinley <mariak at mariakathryn.net>wrote:
> Yes, my personal website (on a different server) is also running it
> without problems. :-(
> Okay, I have figured out that it is something about php within html, which
> is not a pmwiki problem, so you are welcome to tell me to go elsewhere, but
> maybe somebody on this list can help me, so I don't have to go join a php
> list?
> Here is the deal. If I take a file and write this in it:
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>PHP Test</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?php phpinfo() ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> I get the funny letters. If I take the same file with the same editor,
> erase what is in it and write this:
> <?php phpinfo() ?>
> The funny letters go away. Any ideas?
> thanks,
> maria
> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Petko Yotov <5ko at 5ko.fr> wrote:
>> Some servers are configured to automatically prepend or append files to
>> HTML output. This may be configured in a .htaccess, in php.ini or in
>> httpd.conf, something like:
>> php_value auto_prepend_file prepend.php
>> (or auto_append_file)
>> If this is the case, the file that is prepended or appended should be
>> checked too - especially if it looks like an empty file with 3 bytes.
>> Other than that, right now I don't see what could be the problem. It
>> still may be related to PmWiki, to a skin, or to a recipe, and the advice
>> for debugging is to disable one after another all recipes and every time
>> reload the page to see if the characters have disappeared - if they have,
>> then the last disabled recipe should be double checked.
>> There are many wikis running in UTF-8 without this problem (including
>> www.pmwiki.org ), so it may be a problem specific to your specific
>> installation.
>> Petko
>> Maria McKinley writes:
>>> I did a search of my directory for files with BOM, but only came up with
>>> a few pdfs.
>>> grep -rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF' .
>>> I also opened and re-saved as utf-8 every file I could think of that I
>>> might have changed, and re-copied the latest version of pmwiki. I'm
>>> starting to get really frustrated that I can't find what is causing this.
>>> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Petko Yotov <<URL:mailto:5ko at 5ko.fr>
>>> 5ko@**5ko.fr <5ko at 5ko.fr>> wrote:
>>> The characters that appear on your site are 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD which is
>>> the standard Byte order mark (or mask). One of your *.php or *.tmpl
>>> files was modified and saved with BOM and it shouldn't. You should
>>> reopen it and save it in "UTF-8 without Byte Order Mark" (or "without
>>> BOM"), then upload them back to the server.
>>> The files which come in the PmWiki core distribution don't have Byte
>>> order marks. I don't know of any recipe which comes with a BOM. If I
>>> were you, I'd first look at the files which you have modified yourself.
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> --
> Maria Mckinley
> Programmer and System Administrator
> www.mariakathryn.net
> www.linkedin.com/in/mariamckinley
Maria Mckinley
Programmer and System Administrator
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