[pmwiki-users] minimal text file to create pmwiki page
Edwin Marte
edwin.marte at leidba.com
Sat Jun 1 17:10:18 CDT 2013
Hello Mark! Very nice implementation!
Any chance that you could share your script, for a long time I have been
waiting for such a script to keep track of my parts both locally and pmwiki.
On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Tamara Temple <tamouse.lists at gmail.com>wrote:
> Mark Lee <mark.lee.phd at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you Tamara. The following does just what I am looking for.
> Quite welcome, I'm sure.
> > I also realized that the symbol % needs to be replaced by the hex code
> %25.
> > I am well on my way to mapping my page content to pmwiki pages. Here is
> an example page that I
> > just put together using a text editor.
> Again, the import recipe I described earlier is ace if you have a lot of
> pages to convert at once. Generate the plain text files locally, ftp
> them up to an import directory, then run the import script and done. No
> need to worry about converting newlines to %0a, percent to %25, and less
> than (<) to %3c.
> > http://ediblelandscape.org/pmwiki.php?n=Plants.Plant167
> *VERY* nicely designed site!
> > In that example, a cell in my spreadsheet contained the species name
> "Rosa woodsii". I have a
> > script written in VBA (Excel spreadsheet) that writes this to a text file
> > %0a(:Species: Rosa woodsii:)%0a
> > Each row in my spreadsheet contains the content for each page. Each cell
> is assigned to a
> > PageTextVariable, and each of these goes to the location on the page I
> previously defined in the
> > page template for the skin. With a click of a button, I can generate all
> the pages for my site,
> > and with a few more clicks the pages are uploaded to my site via ftp. A
> simple Content
> > Management System using a spreadsheet and FileZilla. I really like
> PMWiki, but I like the
> > ability to backup the content of the site in form that is independent of
> PMWiki and is portable
> > between different platforms.
> Do not disagree with any of that, it's just a unique (to me) way of
> using PmWiki as a publishing system. Perfectly valid, wonderful use of
> PmWiki!
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