[pmwiki-users] Comments
tamouse mailing lists
tamouse.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 17:12:04 CST 2012
On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Wade Lee Hudson <wade at wadehudson.net> wrote:
> At the moment, at the bottom on each page, we have:
> To give feedback or make a suggestion concerning this page, click here.
> And the link goes to a MailForm, the same one for every page. When I receive
> a comment, I'm told "This message was sent by the PmWiki EMailForm at
> http://www.obtcc.org" The plan is to publish selected comments manually at
> the bottom of the page.
> Is there some way to know about which page the comment is being made?
> Is there some way to enable comments to be published automatically on the
> page?
> Thanks,
> Wade
If your MailForm script can pick up the HTTP_REFERER server variable,
you can include that in the message body. Another approach could be to
include the fullname of the page as a query parameter on the link to
the feedback page, as long as you do a URI escape on it, and untaint
it on the receiving end. This can be dangerous as it may allow someone
to hack your app by spoofing the referrer string or the query string.
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