[pmwiki-users] Some of the links to articles do not appear on the Mainpage
pmwiki at solidgone.com
Tue Jan 3 20:01:04 CST 2012
On 1/3/2012 8:47 PM, Simon wrote:
> Surely that should be a link to
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PageLists
> we should be keeping our documentation up to date,
> and using it, and referring people to it,
> and in any case the page is just a copy.
> (nice though it is that that website uses PmWiki).
Each installation of pmwiki comes with a full set of documentation. So I
think the point here was to refer the original poster to the copy of the
documentation on the OPs server http://eli5pedia.com/, which is a copy
of the documentation available on pmwiki.
~ ~ Dave
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