[pmwiki-users] PmWiki Upload does not work
languefrancaise at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 10:30:32 CDT 2011
Hello !
Not sure at all, but easy to test :
comment or delete line
$UploadDir = 'C:/data/wiki/uploads';
and test again ; I guess pmwiki will create the uploads directory.
2011/7/21 Thoronox - <thoronox at gmail.com>
> Hi everybody,
> I have already spent quite some time in trying to get the upload feature of
> PmWiki up and running, but I'm always getting the error message "no file
> uploaded" when trying to upload a very small .txt file.
> I'm running PmWiki on Windows. The URL is http://localhost/wiki/pmwiki.phpand all the files are stored in c:\data\wiki. I have also created the
> uploads directory below c:\data\wiki.
> Here are my config parameters:
> $EnableUpload = 1;
> $DefaultPasswords['upload'] = '';
> $UploadDir = 'C:/data/wiki/uploads';
> $UploadUrlFmt = 'http://localhost/wiki/uploads';
> $UploadPrefixFmt = '/$Group/$Name';
> I have a sample page called Test/Test1, I have created the directory
> c:\data\wiki\uploads\Test\Test1 and I have put some files into this
> directory. When I add (:attachlist:) to this page, all the files are
> displayed properly. I have also tried uisng "\" instead of "/" for the
> directory links, but I have not seen any change in the upload behavior.
> I hope anybody can help me getting the uploads up and running. Thanks for
> your help in advance!
> --
> Viele Grüße,
> Holger
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| A | de la langue française
| B | http://www.languefrancaise.net/
| C | languefrancaise at gmail.com
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