[pmwiki-users] Petko's E2100/US$2, 963 bid for WYSIWYG capability
nzskiwi at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 00:33:27 CDT 2011
This hasn't had the take up I hoped it would have from the community,
but I'm ready to get the ball rolling and cough up with my committed offer.
Just give me that bank account number please?
On 21 May 2011 05:55, DaveG <pmwiki at solidgone.com> wrote:
> On 5/20/2011 3:29 AM, Petko Yotov wrote:
>> On Friday 20 May 2011 05:01:10, Radu Luchian wrote :
>>> Quote from top of donations page: "Also note that although Petko has
>>> estimated the likely effort, no-one has yet committed to actually doing
>>> the
>>> work."
>>> ... and further down, quoting Petko's email: "The cost of this work is
>>> estimated to be 2100 euros. My company doesn't collect VAT. A receipt or
>>> a
>>> number of receipts will be available."
>>> That last part sounded pretty committed to me...
>> Indeed, that part sounds committed.
> I was not comfortable writing a commitment on someone else's behalf --
> hence the original text. Text on the page has been changed.
> I'm not sure if the word "donations" is correct. When you hire a
>> contractor,
>> do you make donations to his company? When you go to work, are they paying
>> you
>> in donations? (English is not my native language, but in the other
>> languages I
>> use, the word is different.)
> Donation is probably a little more volunteer oriented. I've changed the
> page to consistently use 'pledge'. Also moved the page over to
> Cookbook/WYSIWYGFundDrive, original page redirects.
> ~ ~ Dave
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